I've let some time lapse since the last blog. I was gently reminded!
As I read through the past one, I realized that the focus was on the potential rough times ahead and now I can clearly say "Yes" it has been a Lion kind of spring! Dealing with change brings out the monster in some people. Let's just say that it has not been easy. Some teachers are actully claiming that the stress of this past year is the reason that they are retiring! Other teachers say that the mood in their school is so toxic that they try to stay clear of everyone just staying in their classrooms and doing their job!
So, why change then? Why go through the ordeal? If the act of changing causes so much anxiety and stress, why do we not just keep everything the same? I think that it's because we truly can not stop it! Whether we want to change or not, change happens! Everyday, we are older - like it or not - and everyday weather changes, seasons change, life moves on!
So...the school district has weathered the storm of a new online learning initiative and a major decision to evaluate the role of school librarians. One would have thought the world was coming to an end! Teachers banded together to bully their collegues into signing petitions against the online movement and still other teachers used students to petition the school board about proposed changes in librarian coverage in our schools. One board member reprimanded the teachers saying this is not the way to communicate your displeasure. Will it stop them though? Probably not. It's a fighter stance where they are holding on for dear life to the past.
Teachers have always thought that their role was so necessary that nothing could take away the need. However, the economy has been rocked this past year. People everywhere are losing their jobs, their homes and more. And in the midst of all of this, teachers are demanding that their union rule. They believe that not only should their jobs be secure but decisions about changes should not occur without their input.
And so, where will it land? Change will happen! What else? It's just too soon to see who the survivors will be!
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